
Parent Effectiveness Training
Parenting experts and researchers of brain development confirm that one of the best ways to become an effective parent is to foster emotional connection and develop empathy with your child. With these skills you do not need to rely on yelling, nagging, threats or punishment. Instead, by learning effective communication strategies, including active listening and conflict resolution, you can learn how to influence rather than control your children.
Dr Thomas Gordon’s Parent Effectiveness Training is a program based on this philosophy and which explicitly teaches the skills necessary to develop connection and empathy. Using the P.E.T. skills you will have less fighting, fewer tantrums and become a more peaceful parent.
Benefits of Parent Effectiveness Training
You'll feel calmer
You're kids will too!
Increased self confidence and assertiveness
Improved empathic listening skills
Greater emotional regulation (for both you and your children)
Increased self responsibility and independence in children
Learn practical age-appropriate strategies for dealing with every day situations and challenges
Discover alternatives to punishment and other punitive parenting strategies and how to use them
Learn how to avoid tantrums, losing your cool and power struggles.
Cultivate healthy emotional and intellectual development in your children, shown to be the single biggest factor in determining overall success
Course structure
This in-depth, proven program is taught only by authorised instructors certified by Gordon Training International. Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) is a 24 hour course, which comprises of 8 x 3 hour sessions. Participants have the opportunity to learn, practice and discuss the P.E.T. skills and explore how these apply in their individual circumstances. The course is run term by term throughout the year.
$795 per person (this includes the reference book ‘Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children', P.E.T. workbooks, a certificate of completion and email/phone support for the duration of the course).
Before signing up, Melissa is happy to answer any questions you have to help determine if P.E.T. is the right fit for your individual family and ideals.

Enjoy Parenting
Children’s relationships with their parents are one of, if not the most significant relationship a child will ever have. The quality of parenting children receive and how they are raised has an impact on them for the rest of their lives. That’s a huge responsibility for parents. No pressure!
At the same time, children arrive with their own unique programming, an individual package of personality, strengths, interests and abilities, that often present parents with even greater challenges,
Parenting is hard work; emotionally, physically and mentally and something for which most parents receive little, if any training or support. For many parents, the first real contact they have with children is when they are handed their own gorgeous bundle at the hospital.
In addition, there is so much criticism and judgement surrounding parenting, not to mention the multitude of approaches on offer, that it can feel difficult to admit when we are struggling.
Enjoy Parenting focuses on building strong relationships based on connection and empathy with your children so that they are more likely to cooperate, rather than having to resort to yelling, rewarding, punishing, bribing or threatening to get them to behave as you would like. This does not mean giving in to your child’s every whim either. Parenting also requires setting limits and guiding your children. This can be done firmly whilst remaining loving and respectful.
If you would like to parent more calmly and experience more peaceful and connected relationships with your children then you have come to the right place!
One generation full of deeply loving parents would change the brain of the next generation, and with that, the world.
Charles Raison

Counselling for parents
At times you might require some extra time and space to discuss your personal parenting journey in more depth. Melissa offers individual counselling, which affords you the privacy to discuss unique family needs and receive information tailored specifically to you and your children.
Using positive, practical, research based strategies, sessions are designed to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
“We may not all agree on what makes a well-raised child, but most of us would have some general pictures in our head of how we would like our children to grow and develop. We want them to be happy and loving, hardworking and successful, healthy in body, mind and spirit. We hope that they become moral and law abiding and have caring and respectful relationships with family and friends.”
Dr. William Glasser