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How can counselling help?

By exploring our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, we can gradually develop insight and understanding that assists us to make change. Counselling can help us to gain clarity around surrounding issues, identify the things that hold us back and work towards achieving desired outcomes. This may focus on current challenges or those from the past which are preventing you living your best life.

What is Counselling?

Most people experience difficulties at some point in their lives. At times, these experiences and their accompanying feelings can be overwhelming and isolating. Counselling provides a confidential space where you will be met with acceptance in speaking about and exploring issues of concern, with a professionally trained counsellor.



Who can access counselling?


People of all ages seek counselling and for a variety of reasons. Melissa has a special interest in working with children, adolescents and their parents/carers to help families build strong, connected relationships. 


Melissa sees many children in art therapy, a large number of whom are neurodiverse (eg. ASD, ADHD, learning difficulties and communication delays), as well as those who have experienced trauma. She is passionate about providing counselling services to help parents become more confident in navigating everyday parenting dilemmas, as well as those associated with raising a neurodiverse or traumatised child.


If you are currently navigating the tricky terrain of raising children, you may be interested in Parent Effectiveness Training, an 8 week program focussed on empathic communication and conflict resolution. This course is available online or in person.  


Emotional well-being is as important as breathing!

How does counselling work?

Melissa uses a person-centred approach, which means that as the client you are offered choice about how you engage in counselling. Whilst counselling is traditionally centred in conversation, as a creative arts therapist, Melissa is happy to integrate expressive therapies into your sessions if you wish. 


Art therapy is not just for children. You can find out more about this in the section on art therapy. 

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